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the PASTOR - Rev. Stephen Lee


A Brief Bio from Pastor Stephen K. Lee

I was born in a parsonage in Seoul, South Korea, where my father served as a pastor in the Korean Methodist Church (KMC). I am a third-generation Christian with one brother and two sisters, and I am the youngest son.


My wife, Young Hwa Lee, is a homemaker. We are blessed with two children: our son, Shawn Lee, who lives in Brooklyn, New York, and our daughter, Janet Lee, who lives with us.


I was ordained in KMC in 1989, and on August 12, 1992, we moved to America for my advanced studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. I underwent six years of theological education and training in Korea (B. Th. and Th. M), as well as eight years in the States (M. Div., M. Phil., and Ph. D. course work). I’ve got a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Divinity School of Regent University in Virginia Beach in 2020.  


In 2003, I transferred my elder membership in full connection from the KMC to the United Methodist Church of Arkansas, and in 2005, I joined the Virginia Conference. I have had a diverse range of ministry experiences in both South Korea and the United States, including establishing churches in a rural village in South Korea in 1985, in Abilene, Texas in 1994 and in New York City, New York in 1999.


I have served Korean immigrant churches across the U.S., ministering to non-military families, military cross-cultural families, and combinations of both. Additionally, I served an American congregation at Colonial Beach UMC in Colonial Beach, a small church, for five years, and at Charity UMC in Virginia Beach, a mid-size church, for two years. 


May God continue to use us for His glory as we serve this wonderful Sycamore UMC and its faithful congregation. May God bless you all!



Sycamore is a growing community of faith that welcomes everyone. We are well known for engaging our faith in mission and outreach efforts. We hope that others will join us as we seek to offer the good news of Jesus Christ to the world!  

Sycamore is a church on the move. Our community of faith is rooted in tradition but also changes as the community around us becomes more diverse. Our church has members who have family ties to the church and many members have moved into the area being drawn by Fort Lee or other jobs.


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